life sans drugs, not losing it in mindless entertainment.
We witness the world and the universe by "stretching our mental maps of the possible" and connecting with and becoming One with it. We have the ontological shifts he speaks of which radically reconstruct our perspective to a cosmic one. We experience rhapsody by relating to the known in a new way and finding the unknown in the ordinary.
Watching Jason Silva stirs my blood, gets my heart racing and my energy zinging in the same way my trips beyond the infinite doorway and the consciousness creation calls do. So today I decided to share his latest video so you can experience that too. You can immerse yourself in the visuals and go into the beyond and see what new info and energy it stirs in you.
From this place of mega high vibration, I happen to look out my screen door in the late afternoon light. I notice the spiders have been busy creating iridescent webs that glisten in between the tree branches. The light reflects off insects who zip by my doorway and little white fluffs drift and dance on the breeze. I greet the May Day fairies who have congregated to party as I connect with them and with Your Highest Conscious Essence as we all twirl in rhapsodic delight. May you have magical, mystical experiences this week too.