Welcome to experiencing multidimensionality. We start by Noticing the beauty and magnificence of this three dimensional world. Depending on where you are in the world - smell the fresh pristine snow or notice the smell of the rain in the damp soil or the feel the warmth of sun opening the flowers. Perhaps where you are its being aware of the night flowers as the sweet smell enchants your nose and travels into every cell of your body deliciously nurturing with beauty Now as you move out into the whole world expanding your field use all your senses to appreciate the wonder and resplendence of this dimension. As you continue to expand change your focus. Let your brain shift into the theta Waves of even more relaxation and creation and allow your mind to become a little fuzzy Wonder what popping into another dimension would unveil and allow yourself to do just that. If you are new to being your multidimensional expanded self you could selected a numerical dimension to go up into--- the forth the fifth the 6 or you could just ask to be popped into the best dimension for you at this time and experience life there. Just relax and set the intention breathe and believe it will happen reach out to the sentient energies in the dimension you are in and engage in a conversation of sorts Try popping into other dimensions and see what your experience is first just being there and then engaging the sentient energies. Now shift into the omniverse and experience being omnidimensional, aware of all dimensions at the same time . Ask a sentient being that is especially resonant with you to approach you and communicate. See if there are any messages or gifts for you. Feel the energy zinging thru you as you receive this info. Ask any questions you have or perhaps ask for tips to be even more of the most amazing being you can be. Is there any new information or energy you can share with the 7 billion humans and all the energy of your home planet? Send the highest conscious vibrations and unconditional love and light from this realm to the earth. |
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February 2017
Author Gina-Dianne Harding is a Sourcerer of Higher Consciousness, mentor and the author of "From Fear to Eternity: 212 Ways to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs and Shift your Energy into Higher Consciousness Living" available in ebook, hardcover and paperback from Amazon and other distributors. She is currently crafting her new book "Beyond the Infinite Doorway" Categories