Image purchased from 123rf Copyright: nexusplexus / 123RF Stock Photo | Feel the ecstasy of freedom as you stand poised at the entrance to the beyond - the unknown. As you enter you notice a white hole - the void of creation where you can choose to go into another dimension or reality or return here with new information and energy. Here on the event horizon you make your choice to free-fall in or stay. Feel the cosmic winds briskly offering the freshest revivifying air to your lungs. Notice them ebbing and flowing. In the ebb feel the quiet release of all that is no longer serving you evaporating into the environment. As the energy clutter leaves notice a cool aura of quiescent energy surrounding you. It feels to me like the cool air enveloping you when your perspiration evaporates during a fever. Know this superfluous energy is being transmuted into high vibeing energy for your use or for creating anything. This empty field of no-thing-ness around you is where anything has potential, where anything you desire can enter because there is now space where the old used to be. And you can create a lineup of possibilities from which to choose - like a kid in a candy store. Enjoy your desire and know that in every moment you can choose to create a new reality - something new to enjoy. Feel yourself being peace yet at the same time anticipating a thrill of limitless possibilities for creation as you return to your physicality energized for the week ahead. |
February 2017
Author Gina-Dianne Harding is a Sourcerer of Higher Consciousness, mentor and the author of "From Fear to Eternity: 212 Ways to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs and Shift your Energy into Higher Consciousness Living" available in ebook, hardcover and paperback from Amazon and other distributors. She is currently crafting her new book "Beyond the Infinite Doorway" Categories