What do you get when you go beyond the human mind and upgrade it to the newest version?
I was guided to call this upgrade 8.8. When I searched the meanings I found that 8 represents harmonic resonance and flow in ones life, in ones relationship with others It also vibrates at the frequency of empowerment as it spirals thru the greater galactic grid. When you align with 8 you are the diviner of harmony, the meeting ground of physical reality and the infinite.1 |
In this Energy Zing I invite you to Align with the frequency of 8 as we explore with the sentient energie beyond the infinite doorway.
From a place of highest frequency and consciousness we peer into our mind and see what else it wants and what it can be if you choose to receive this upgrade.
At the end of the EnergyZing I invite you to take a deep breath and reboot. Relax and feel it zinging thru your circuits, integrating in every part of your expanded body mind field and spirit. Play with your new upgraded mind and see what else it offers. What bliss and excitement of endless possibilities does it have waiting for you.
To strengthen your new neural net get exciting ideas and visuals of the possiblities of the mind 8.8 and further integrate the upgrade, I strongly urge you to take another 4 minutes to click on the Awe of Jason Silva's video The Cosmos is a Mind Expanding Drug.
1. The Mayan Oracle A return to the stars by Ariel Spillsbury and Michael Bryner p. 142
2. Love is in the Earth by Melody p. 50