The first video features Alan Watts, who has fascinating views of life and higher consciousness. You have probably seen his inspiring videos before. In many ways, I see human life differently than he portrays it in this video between minute 1 and 2 and at 3 1/2 minutes. He shares his view that humanity gets caught up in playing with 'what ifs' of darkness, fear and effort. I believe humanity is evolving beyond this and I see evidence of it daily.
Despite his somewhat denser view of the illusion we live in, Watts does provide a truer perspective in his message which can Zing your energy. He points out that when we wake up and see that we are really the nameless That - (I AM THAT) we can live with a deep sense of well being. He says "you will be able to drift like a cloud and flow like water, seeing that all life is a magnificent illusion, a playing of energy and that there is nothing fundamentally to be afraid of."
As you watch Watts video get an energyZing as you immerse yourself in the expansive images that call to you and choose to focus on the ultimately higher frequency aspects of his message.
I counterpoint his message with a different way of expressing a worldview as offered by Jason Silva, whose stream of consciousness engages us to get in the flow of highest vibrating passion, becoming excited and Zinged by the possibilities of being our greatest human Selves.