I was therefore extremely excited when Jason Silva posted a video about modulating consciousness which pointed me to David Lenson’s work which theorizes consciousness is collaborative between ourselves and what is around us -- there is an active relationship. Lenson comments the input and the nature of the receiver is transformed.(1) Since it is a co-creation I would add that not only are we transformed, but the object we are interacting with is also transformed. What's your opinion?
If this is so, and I believe it is, then Lenson adds there are limitless numbers of possible consciousnesses. This fits so well with what I have learned from going Beyond The Infinite Doorway. Jason Silva describes it as “a garden of a forking paths of possible modes of experiences…. This is where [we] want to spend our time, to probe new realities, new modalities of thought, space, place or mind… That’s where we live in the imaginal realm There is not just one baseline consciousness”. (2)
Silva also refers to the book “Embodyment and the Inner Life” by Murray Shanahan (3). He writes about cognitive consciousness, “taking into consideration different combinations and permutations of reality, different possible futures”.(2)
Although Shanahan focuses on consciousness as a phenomenon of the mind, I would expand this as an aspect of reality creation and non locality, non physical consciousness. I believe that we can actually create our reality thru non physical consciousness which extends beyond our living selves to consciousness which remains beyond life.
I want to reiterate Silvas invitation to hack our own matrix, to play with consciousness, to turn it into something we do for fun to enrich our lives. Expand your consciousness, travel to non physical realms, go into the beyond and create your reality in the quantum field and actualize it in your 3rd dimensional life.
1 David Lenson, Jeff Land, On Drugs University of Minnesota Press, p. 56, 60
2 Creativity, Cognitive Fluidity, Conceptual Blending and the Architecture of our Inner World - can we create our own aesthetic realities? June 6 video posting https://www.facebook.com/jasonlsilva
3 Murray Shanahan Embodiment and the inner life: Cognition and Consciousness in the Space of possible minds