In the summer of 2018, we were miraculously gifted with a personalized transcendent adventure, written specifically for us by Gina-Dianne Harding, a spiritual author, visionary, and alchemist.
When we received the gift, my husband was scheduled to have a three week hospital stay for a stem cell transplant to treat his serious lymphoma condition. We were scared and in need of empowerment! Gina-Dianne’s remarkable offering both lifted our spirits and helped us cope with the challenges of the situation through the lens of higher consciousness. It was truly the gift that keeps on giving! We received many resources that helped us to surrender, trust and renew ourselves in unimaginable ways!
To write these adventures, Gina-Dianne asks you to choose a person and timeline for your adventure. We chose to be father and son pharaohs in Egypt during the 14th century BC. It was awesome to receive inspiring book chapters on our laptop. We looked forward to each installment that transported us to exotic Egypt and to the luxury of living other lives. We also experienced the limitless possibilities beyond the Infinite Doorway. We met two Higher Guides who exposed us to high-vibrating environments where we directly expressed bliss, ecstasy and beauty. We learned how to navigate different timelines and dimensions and to translocate at will from the dreary hospital room. It was so liberating to live without boundaries while we were confined in the hospital. We transcended fear during a difficult time.
We are so grateful for this profound gift that changed our life choices and perspectives. My husband successfully completed his treatment and is now cancer-free. We’re both living new lives and making fun choices. He is writing a book and I’m planning to facilitate new dance classes for our community. Someday, we hope to give this life changing gift to another.
- Ariele Brittain von Schrader, Ph.D., R-DMT
When we received the gift, my husband was scheduled to have a three week hospital stay for a stem cell transplant to treat his serious lymphoma condition. We were scared and in need of empowerment! Gina-Dianne’s remarkable offering both lifted our spirits and helped us cope with the challenges of the situation through the lens of higher consciousness. It was truly the gift that keeps on giving! We received many resources that helped us to surrender, trust and renew ourselves in unimaginable ways!
To write these adventures, Gina-Dianne asks you to choose a person and timeline for your adventure. We chose to be father and son pharaohs in Egypt during the 14th century BC. It was awesome to receive inspiring book chapters on our laptop. We looked forward to each installment that transported us to exotic Egypt and to the luxury of living other lives. We also experienced the limitless possibilities beyond the Infinite Doorway. We met two Higher Guides who exposed us to high-vibrating environments where we directly expressed bliss, ecstasy and beauty. We learned how to navigate different timelines and dimensions and to translocate at will from the dreary hospital room. It was so liberating to live without boundaries while we were confined in the hospital. We transcended fear during a difficult time.
We are so grateful for this profound gift that changed our life choices and perspectives. My husband successfully completed his treatment and is now cancer-free. We’re both living new lives and making fun choices. He is writing a book and I’m planning to facilitate new dance classes for our community. Someday, we hope to give this life changing gift to another.
- Ariele Brittain von Schrader, Ph.D., R-DMT
Some time back on one of the CC-calls, we were tuning in to Gina Dianne. I was taken in consciousness to the end of the Universe, reaching the dome-shaped ”end-wall”. There at the end, I opened a small window and Gina Dianne peeped through, smiling and gesturing ”Welcome to my realm”! Giving us all the opportunity to look at creation from the Creator’s point of view. As in THE CREATION, namely the Physical Universe(s). I’ve been back on and off since, feeling that it was a future state of being that I was moving towards and that I would visit until it could land in my consciousness for good as a knowing.....
Sweet Dianne, I'm just responding to you seeing me in the group right now.... I'm in tears of joy and awe.... Thank YOU It's amazing being seen this big and I feel in awe by the profound resonance it awakes in me. Thank you so much! Sophia Noostra |
Wow! I get full body goose bumps when I hear your voice or think of you. I love your EnergyZings . Thank you for wanting to help me and to join forces to change our worlds beyond recognition for the Fullest Expression of Heaven on Earth and everywhere galaxy and worlds beyond worlds and vice versa . You get it all!
Becky Brittain PhD
Becky Brittain PhD
Thank you Dianne, I had a great time, sharing with you. you made it all seem so easy with your wonderful abilities to really connect with me and hear all I said. June S Russell
Awesome wise wonder of worlds beyond, you opened the doorways to Forever and danced me into its luxuriant chords. You swirled its wonders about us and brought us to our knees with awe. You captured the essence of something so profoundly powerful waiting to arise in human consciousness and take form on our horizons and so it is. So we have become and are becoming. You walk in wonder like the starry night, unimaginable feasts of pure delight. Had I not known you in this lifetime I think I would have starved of Forever'ness. I'll remember you FOREVER! Soleira Green ,