Today we go inside to our deep wild core to connect with infinite and access the beyond.
As we move thru the infinite doorway pause to really feel the warm welcome and unconditional loving acceptance of the sentient beings. They celebrate your genius, and eagerly want you to share your wisdom and gifts just as they share the newest information, energy and not energy with you. |
Some remind you of crystal-like fantastic waves that materialize into sacred pools of a water-like substance that pulses with life and flows with rainbow coloured illumination.
Step into the pools either as your energetic I AM conscious light essence or if you wish connect with and materialize your physicality in this reality to bathe in the newest potentials of becoming.
Allow yourself to be cradled in the glow and nurturing warmth as the newest waters of transcendence inform your internal knowing .
Feel your beingness fill with abundance of a vital sustaining revivifying life force...... and continue to luxuriate as you listen to the Energy Zing.
One of the gifts I receive is an upgrade to a higher frequency of the energetic meaning of the number 2.
I invite you to tune in and see what you get. I hear that two no longer implies duality or polarity but resonates to and symbolizes harmony and collaboration.
I understand that one or more of you listening to this energy zing is getting more insights into the newest vibration of 2 . Please, Please share what you are getting with us all on the BTID facebook page or in the comment section of this replay page or send me a private message
I also hear an even higher conscious awareness of the alchemical process of creating an enlightened spirituality is coming. Again if you have any insights or ah- ha’s about this new process please share them.
Todays Tip
Remember you can come back and recreate the sensory experience you had Beyond the Infinite Doorway (or any other experience) in any moment you wish. If you tie it to a word or image in your mind you can instantly trigger the sensation. By recreating it a few times within the next 48 hours and daily this week you will strengthen the cell memory and be able to activate it effortlessly.