Since it’s the last week of August people often think the summer is over and its back to school, work or serious pursuits. However I encourage you to find the fun, joy passion and excitement in the now as you take action and get things together. Transform your perception about seriousness.
Today lets have fun in the beyond and see what happens. At any point you may wish to pause the replay and spend extended time in the moment. Or listen to the whole experience and then you can point and click on the timeline to approximate the point in the guided visualization you wish to get back to.
In this energy zing we play with changing your energetic presentation, from being formless, then an orb, and then an infinite being with form that knows that matter is an illusion and you are in essence just a bunch of energy gathering itself into a certain formation.
Then we find a magnificent crystal garden with a special effects devise which creates a hanging double pyramid which you enter and have the most AwemaZing experiences........
You also get some tips for expansion when the powerful energies of the time are resulting in physical sensations.
In addition you have the opportunity to connect in timelessness and align with the powerful evolutionary portal of cosmic consciousness energies of the solar eclipse and new moon which occurs on Thursday at about 5am ET, 9am UT, 7pm Australia. The energy will peak at this point but be present before and after.
So come in Beyond the Infinite Doorway for a 20 minute break and enjoy the bliss of new adventures.
And don't forget to share your experience and insights on the Beyond the Infinite Doorway facebook page