In todays energyZing, we enter the beyond in a different way than usual, going into ourselves, and connecting with our deep wild core. It is an awesome feeling to touch our higher selves from here.
In honour of the light returning to earth, we also spend more time connecting with the sentient beingness of animals, noting how they are approaching us to communicate. We delight in the longer days and express gratitude to all sentient earth energies. What messages will you receive from them?
Then we move on to our sun and the Great Central Sun, letting it imbue us and fire us up, re-igniting our creativity and vitality, energiZing us. See yourself as a kaleidoscope with your jewel like multicoloured aspects swirling and dancing in the reflected light of the Sun.
Continuing on to the light of the Omniverse, we reflect on the intentions we set at Solstice and receive information to assist us with our next steps in successfully materializing those intentions.
Be sure and share what you experienced in todays EnergyZing on the Beyond the Infinite Doorway Facebook page.