Welcome to this energy Zing as we celebrate the summer soulstice edition from beyond the infinite doorway. You may wish to be outside for this energy zing to experience it in this realm and the beyond at the same time. You may also want to listen to this around 330 Pacific Time this afternoon as the actual soulstice is Monday, June 20, 2016 at 3:34 PM Its 1134pm in England but you can experience a lot of power when the sunsets and moon rises at 921 pm in England and on the pacific west coast too
Kathleen Whelen, Vedic astrologer notes "Solstice is the ENERGETIC center of the season. So today we call on our galactic and universal energies to imbue us with soul searing abilities to craft the next 3 months of our annual cycle.
The energy is especially strong and auspicious this Solstice as it coincides with the June strawberry full moon. A Full Moon hasn’t occurred on the same day as the Solstice since 1948. It is also the fourth full moon of the season between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. So be prepared to feel the stirrings of possibilities rise up within and connect with your deep wild core ---- the name I use for the place you create from.
Be in gratitude (a highest frequency emotion) for what is unfolding in each now moment of the summer season. Imagine yourself bathing in the suns light—standing under a waterfall of luminous dazzling rays cascading over you. As you step out, refreshed and tingling with limitless momentum you notice a shimmering path before you winding towards the sun. Follow that path into the sky towards the sun and into the cosmos. Look for a doorway to the beyond. It may be a pulsing neon colour you’ve never seen before. You may hear the siren song, the symphony of the universes calling you, A delightful smell that reminds you of a long forgotten yearned for home might waft into your nostrils. You may just feel a vibration in the field inviting you to step thru.
However you perceive it Step into the beyond and embrace the sentient energies that have come here from everywhere in the omniverse on this propitious day as we Bring Sacred Ritual to our daily lives from here in the beyond.
Feel the welcome, the excitement and anticipation, the hushed reverence in this vast arena outside of time and space as we come together to create both the global human and our personal reality for the next quarter year in our day to day lives.
Feel and align with the energy of all the big players who are making a quantum leap forward to enhance our transcendent living experiences.
And now we begin…
I suggest that you take time when the sun sets and moon rises at 9 21pm to connect and harmonize your highest self once again with the Solstice and the rare 4th full moon of the seasons energies You may wish to make this part of a Yoga Moon Salutation to stretch and connect with your body's highest frequency as you relax and prepare to rest.
Remember to connect with the solstice energy and what you have created at any time in the next quarter when you want to zing your highest conscious life.