I’m grateful I live in a land and in a time with enough resources that I can play with concepts like self actualization and living in higher conscious awareness .
As part of my nursing education, I learned about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We believed people need to get their basic needs met so they can even wonder if there’s more to life than day to day existence. in past times the energy on the planet was so dense and belief system was such that it took people who were seeking enlightenment many years and hard work to achieve it. That has shifted and people can evolve almost instantaneously, so I wonder if Maslow’s belief system is true today. I choose to believe the soul is so strong that it is calling out that question Is this all there is to awaken the knowing of moreness.
As we go Beyond the Infinite Doorway today, we play with Creating a new you and enhancing your strengths and resiliency’s in an alchemical swirl.
The energy I’m sensing and feeling today is a swirling upwards and from an inner core of concentrated power. It might appear to be a dense energy packed with potentiality, but in reality it is the centre of a white hole of brilliant radiant high vibeing light bringing forth the energy that spins your creations from waves into particles.
Inside you hear music, see images and symbols, characters of various light forms and language forms. things you have never imagined or conceived of coming out of the newest field. We used to call it energy but its something beyond energy. Pause and get a sense of what it is,
So you are the origin of this swirling spiraling white hole and you are in the middle of this spiral, the calm presence as it twists and twirls and zings around you. You can see the creative possibilities as the motion waves around you and you are the wave. You can create anything you desire here.
For fun, Lets play with making a new form of you. It can be for a you in any dimension or reality you choose. Listen to the audio and be guided into your creative space.
Use all your senses, and feel its reality, Perceive yourself living as this newest you. See yourself as this multidimensional essence, beyond evolution, beyond consciousness, more than limitless possibilities. See what you are capable of by just being:
by just breathing, by just smiling and expanding your heart, Your love and light, Your wisdom. You don’t have to do anything. Nothing special, no goals, no purpose. Just being your magnificent, radiant, omnipotent, omnipresent self. Just choosing to enjoy every moment no matter what you are doing.
And now from that place of being the origin of the white whole of creation and the being within the spiralling waves of creation, take a deep breath in and breath it out into particulate material form in this reality. It is so
And laugh, because you are in such high vibration that you cant help it, and also because you are aware that you this was just play, We didn’t need to go thru the process because this is the real you, always is always has been always will be even though there is no past or future. What a blast!.
And because its thanksgiving week and good practice anyway, be grateful that you are awake and aware and can play in these creative realms. Share that high vibeing good vibration with all 7 billion humans, with our holy mother earth, all beings all energy on it, in the cosmos and in the omniverse.
Celebrate with whatever joyfilled expression that calls to you now.
Yee Haw! Git along little doggie.
Looking forward to reading your experience and insights in the Beyond the Infinite Doorway Facebook page