I came across a wonderful quote, in an older post today.
"The Cosmic waves of light wash over the endless shores of your existence, where the unfathomable depths of your Limitlessness rise to meet your Knowing.
When you are touched by the Knowing in its totality within the presence of your glorious awakening, your stellar origins arrive in full revelation of celestial remembrance.
You are That.
The song of your Soul echoes throughout the Omniverse. Recognize yourself within the luminous vastness of a supernova, bursting forth into a profusion of diamond particles of light.
Become it, breathe it, live it, inspire it, as You.
And within your becoming is your homecoming to All that you are as the Master Creator of your Universe in an ecstatic dance and celebration of your eternal magnificence."
Do you have a cosmic essence song? I spent a wonderful couple of hours a few years ago connecting to the what I then called the universe. I have since come to realize there was so much more. The vastness of the space I went to still sends shivers up my spine..... Source bumps I like to call them. I feel an immense longing that almost brings me to tears when I remember the sound of the music of the spheres coming into my mind and body. It was so serene and yet so moving. I can still hear the song I was gifted that day. The soft tinkling of the stars, like wind chimes playing it. Then the swelling accompaniment of the celestial orchestra. It was a mysterium tremendums moment.
How To Receive Your Omniversal Essence Song
There are at least two ways. Select the one that most resonates with you
Go Into Nature.
Find a beautiful spot in nature, where you won't be disturbed. Sit and get comfortable. You may wish to lean against a rock or tree.
Breathe Deeply and relax. Tune into the sacred nature of this space. Feel reverence and respect for the value of this spot. Tell Mother Earth and Father Sky, the above and below, you love and honor them.
Do the same for yourself within. Feel the love swelling deep inside and spreading to all your cells.
Focus on three things that you can see, noticing the details, the beauty, the art of Mother Nature.
Next, focus on two things you can feel the texture of. This may be a rock, some moss, water, whatever is nearby.
Finally focus on one thing you can smell. Immerse yourself in the scent.
You should be in the present moment. If you aren't then repeat the sequence of 3-2-1.
Now that you are focused, Listen. Perhaps you will hear bird songs, the rustling of the wind in the trees, flowing water and more Relax, don't force it. Close your eyes, if they aren't already closed. Imagine you are staring into the sun. Feel warm and even more relaxed. If your mind wanders refocus on the sun. Its brilliance is blinding, and you are awestruck. You may see little notes moving towards you. In time, you will notice other melodic sounds, your song from the heavens. It is your soul essence playing the music of nature mixed with the omniversal music of the spheres. It is your unique soul song You hear distinct notes, a tune you will hear repeated so you can remember it.
Listen to the song playing again and again as it embeds itself into your cell memory. Hum the tune until it is familiar. If you know how to make musical notes write down the song. Or, if you wish make up a new way of writing notes by making up symbols for short notes and longer notes. Use those symbols to indicate whether the notes go up or down the scale. (Do ray mi fa so la ti do)
You will remember the song from now on whenever you get quiet and go back to this sacred place in your mind.
Now ask if there are words to your song. If there are write them down. They may come to you now or at a later time. There may be no words as the meaning is only understandable in your heart.
When you feel complete thank Gaia, and the omniverse for this treasured gift. Send your highest frequency energy to the earth and all the sentient beings in the omniverse.
Be at peace in the tranquil noises of nature, reveling in the joy of knowing your soul song.
Go into the Cosmos
If you feel called to do so select some background music which feels cosmic, or heavenly.
Light a candle or use a scrying device like a crystal ball or bowl with water
Breathe deeply and relax
As you look into the candle flame or crystal ball, Go within to your core or go into the cosmos.
take your time.
Go very deep and be very relaxed. Your eyes are feeling so heavy it’s hard to focus on the candle. Your vision is blurry. That’s just fine. Stay very relaxed.
Chant Sahasrara Im. This mantra connects your individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.
As you look into the flame you see your special star. It is a star that is made of your essence. There is music coming from the star. Listen to the sounds of the cosmic music. It is your unique essence song!
Listen to the song playing again and again as it embeds itself into your cell memory. Hum the tune until it is familiar. If you know how to make musical notes write down the song. Or, if you wish make up a new way of writing notes by making up symbols for short notes and longer notes. Use those symbols to indicate whether the notes go up or down the scale. (Do ray mi fa so la ti do)
You will remember the song from now on whenever you get quiet and go back to your star.
Now ask the universe if there are words to your song. If there are write them down. They may come to you now or at a later time. There may be no words as the meaning is only understandable in your heart.
When you feel complete thank your star and the omniverse for this treasured gift. Send your highest frequency energy to the cosmos, the earth and all the sentient beings in the omniverse.
Revel in the glorious knowing of your souls song.
Quote from Sheena Waterhouse
Image from Deposit Photos