Welcome to the Consciousness Playground! Today's blog is inspired by calls which Dorothy West and I co-hosted as part of the Visionary Networks 21 day Awesome'ness Adventure held on Dec. 6th ~ Awesome Creation Day ... Unleashing your genius & creativity
During these 2 calls, Dorothy West, Happiness Activist from the www.TheHappinessCompany.us and I shared what's new in consciousness from a variety of perspectives. We looked for what lies beyond what we have known until now & played with creating awesome realities using neuro-science, quantum physics, metaphysics & more.
We explored how to get the most from higher consciousness, discussed how consciousness expands, and looked at the relation between thoughts and consciousness. The two calls were very different so if you get a chance listen to both replays .
In the first call awesome'ness adventurers shared how they create their own stupendous realities. and we 'zinged' our own reality creations using the synergistic high frequencies we generated on the call.
Is your coffee pot really there?
Dorothy discussed creating a reality where the stuff you love like your coffee pot or bed, appears to be always there, easily accessible,and what the quantum reality of that is. And she shared how we can always choose to create exciting new possibilities instead of stale repetitive replays of the same old situations thoughts and emotions.
How does this apply to real life?
Dorothy explained the newest brain science and physical benefits from playing in and with consciousness and how information from consciousness affects the neuro-physical response
Practical application of this information was demonstrated as callers asked how this could be used, sharing examples of their life situations.
In addition to that, in the second call Dorothy guided us thru the process for replacing old programs and getting great cocktail infusions to revivify our bodies!
Sharing the newest expanded consciousnesses
Finally, we sent the newest energy generated from the expanded consciousness created on the calls to 7 billion humans and all life evolving on the planet and the cosmos.
Listen in to hear the invigorating details that zing every cell and subatomic particle of your being and will change your perspective on conscious reality creation beyond the infinite doorway, (wherever that is for you).
Please share your comments and experiences on the Beyond the Infinite Doorway Facebook page. If you would like me to invite Dorothy back for more stimulating conversations, be sure and ask!