Flashing orbs send out energy messages that symbolize the full power of the Lions Gate portal which peaks today. The Lions Gateway energy fully awakens your Divine Light and assists you to embody Divinity in your physicality.
Feel your heart expand as you joyfully connect with old soul friends and meet new friends with whom you can create infinite possibilities. Consciously say yes, and go into the beyond thru the portal and ask "What more is there for me to discover?"
Align with the energies and find out how to harmonize with your ultimate divine self. Take an active role in directing the energies to support what you want to actualize. Perhaps it will include unconditional love and light, spiritual expansion, greater expression of your special gifts, and becoming One with All That Is.
Today and until August 13 when the portal closes, feel the accelerated ascension energies, the pure power energy and light codes pouring in from the Great Central Sun.
You will also receive the energy of the number 8 and the master number 88 which elevates personal and infinite consciousness, actualizes knowing, and enhances revelations about your unlimited possibilities and unrestricted capabilities integrating in your physical, mental, emotional,and spiritual beingness.
Relax into the energy and effortlessly allow this to unfold. Notice how you radiate the newest light and double infinite love (88) as you share it to everyone and everything in the Omniverse. Smile and be fulfilled.